Tools for real-time patient documentation.

At Peak Response, we make cutting-edge technology accessible, simple, and integrated to serve the unique needs of the public safety community.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Streamlined Communication for
Optimal Patient Care

Peak Response enables first responders to capture patient observations from the very first moments on scene into a standardized electronic record that can be transferred into subsequent pre-hospital and hospital systems.

Peak Response mobile app form
  • Fill out forms without having to type using Voice-to-Text
  • View ER bed availability and notify destination hospitals using the Routed real-time network
  • Save time and paper with electronic signature capture

Scalable from Daily Dispatched Runs to
Mass Casualty Incidents

The best tool for an unexpected emergency is the one you already use every day. At the touch of a button, Peak Response becomes a real-time MCI coordination and situational awareness tool for responders on and off the scene.

Peak Response mobile app MCI patient counts
  • Watch initial approximate patient counts tally up in real-time without radio back-and-forth
  • Scan any triage tag barcode and attach an electronic record using the same hands-free Voice-to-Text interface
  • Automatically capture the GPS location of patients and visualize them on a map

Our Story

Dedicated to providing life saving efficiency.

Peak Response (formerly NaTriage) was initially conceptualized in 2019 as part of the Tech to Protect Challenge, sponsored by NIST PSCR, aimed at fostering technological innovation for emergency responders. The solution came out of a focus on a common pain point: time spent documenting injuries and incidents at the scene of mass casualty incidents. These incidents are chaotic, high-pressure environments where time spent documenting can mean the difference between life and death.

Portrait of Francis Li

Francis Li  |  Co-Founder/CEO  

Francis is a full-stack software architect with nearly two decades of experience building and launching new products in Silicon Valley. A serial entrepreneur, he has been a consultant, a co-founder and held executive level roles in numerous prior startups where he was responsible for executing the development of new web and mobile applications and services across a broad spectrum of industries, including healthcare, digital marketing, and entertainment. With a complementary background in interaction design, Francis is also a passionate advocate for user-centered design and serves as a bridge facilitating the tight integration between product and engineering. Francis holds BA and MS degrees in Computer Science from UC Berkeley and a Master of Interaction Design degree from the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea.

Portrait of Niels Tangherlini

Niels Tangherlini  |  Co-Founder/Chief Strategy Officer  

Niels Tangherlini has been a paramedic since 1990, and worked for the City and County of San Francisco from 1994 to 2024 before retiring from his position as Assistant Deputy Chief of EMS for the San Francisco Fire Department. Niels holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Welfare from UC Berkeley and led the effort to start what is known as community paramedicine today. As a field paramedic captain, Niels responded to many large-scale MCIs including an LRV crash with 70 patients and the 2014 Asiana air disaster with over 200 patients. Since then, Niels has turned his attention to the role technology can play in improving how EMS systems work.

Portrait of Britt Jensen

Britt Jensen  |  Co-Founder/Advisor  

Prior to co-founding Peak Response, Britt worked in product design consulting where she helped develop everything from medical devices to children’s toys for clients around the world. She is passionate about bringing user-centered products to industries that are not traditionally design-focused and believes that everyone, no matter how highly trained, is able to do their work more effectively with well-designed products. Britt is a graduate of Stanford University’s design program.

GPL and AGPL logos

Free. Open Source. Standards Based.

Peak Response is being developed in the open as free software licensed under the GNU General Public License. Browse our source code repositories on GitHub.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you.

We’re in the early stages of developing this product and are always looking for feedback from users. If you’re interested in testing out the product or are just looking for more info, please leave your information and we’ll connect with you.